by DTNH | Apr 11, 2019 | activities
CHOIR>> Monday 10-11am at Dunalley House CROCHET (free)Come along and have a chat over your latest project. Please bring your own crochet hooks, yarn, darning needle and scissors.>> Thursdays 9.30am to 12noon at Tasman House, Nubeena LIBRARYLots of well known authors:...
by DTNH | Apr 11, 2019 | activities
TASMAN PLAYGROUP ($1 per child)Catering for expectant mums and dasds, parents, carers and their preschool-aged children. Come along, have a cuppa and a chat and meet some other families.>> Tuesdays’ during school terms, 9.30am-11.30am at Tasman House...
by DTNH | Jun 15, 2018 | volunteers
Many of our programs wouldn’t be possible without volunteers. We have lots of options for volunteers of all abilities and interests. Volunteers are wanted for the Dunalley garden, Op-Shop and Food Co-op. If you are thinking about volunteering please drop into...