Arts, Library, choir

CHOIR>> Monday 10-11am at Dunalley House CROCHET (free)Come along and have a chat over your latest project. Please bring your own crochet hooks, yarn, darning needle and scissors.>> Thursdays 9.30am to 12noon at Tasman House, Nubeena LIBRARYLots of well known authors:...

Families and Youth

TASMAN PLAYGROUP ($1 per child)Catering for expectant mums and dasds, parents, carers and their preschool-aged children. Come along, have a cuppa and a chat and meet some other families.>> Tuesdays’ during school terms, 9.30am-11.30am at Tasman House...

Volunteers wanted

Many of our programs wouldn’t be possible without volunteers. We have lots of options for volunteers of all abilities and interests. Volunteers are wanted for the Dunalley garden, Op-Shop and Food Co-op. If you are thinking about volunteering please drop into...