Office services and more

We offer computer and office facilities at Dunalley and Tasman, assist with No-interest Loans (NILS), hire out rooms for events and courses, publish a weekly E-News update and run Facebook pages for the House as well as the Garden and Food Co-op. See here for details...


TASMAN MARKET Lots of Art, Craft, Plants, local produce and Bric-a-brac, plus tea and coffee for sale. Contact Marilyn Wilson 0400 335 349 for stall bookings. NO DOGS ALLOWED>> Tasman House 3rd Saturday every month 9 – 1 Main Rd Nubeena EATING WITH...

Dunalley Op-Shop

We are currently working on updating our Op Shop, hoping to have it operating by the end of May so “Watch this Space” We are also looking for volunteers, if you would like to join our wonderful team contact us 6253 5579 >> Opening days & times will be...

Food Co-op

We stock a range of dried produce such as rice, flour, grains, pulses as well as spices, salts, syrups and much, much more! We order in bulk and pass on the savings to our members. You need to be a member to shop at the Food Co-op. To become a member only costs a one...

In the garden

DUNALLEY GARDEN >> Tuesdays 10am – 1pm (weather dependent)If you would like to get involved come along. Produce is often sold in the Op-Shop and proceeds go back into our garden program. DUNALLEY GARDEN CLUBThe Garden Club meets seasonally and also...