
Membership is a one off fee of $20, which gives you life membership of the Neighbourhood House

What does a our Neighbourhood House membership mean?

Community members still have the option of only being House members, but all participants wanting to access
our food co-op must be a House member first, then with the additional $10 to cover food co-op access. A
member of the House means that you have voting rights at AGMs, and a right to nominate for the Committee,
but (equally importantly) becoming a member of the incorporated association that is Dunalley Tasman
Neighbourhood House means that we can formally demonstrate to the Department of Communities (our
funding body) that this House is valuable and important to this community – important enough that people
have joined us to make a collaborative difference in our community and further the aims and objectives of the

How to join?

 A $20 one off fee covers you for a life membership in both the Neighbourhood
House and our Food Co-op. Membership forms/payment can be made at our Dunalley office,